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Karen Robie, Ph.D., Psychologist

Sylvania Area Psychologist

A brief introduction.

Well-experienced, Dr. Robie became a licensed psychologist in 2000, after working many years as a clinical counselor. She worked at a crisis center, a hospital-based outpatient mental health and substance abuse counseling center, a family counseling agency, and in healthcare, before coming full-time to private practice shortly after licensure. She is licensed in Ohio and Michigan.


Dr. Robie works with adults of all ages and older adolescents looking to understand and find a better way to manage a wide range of problems that may include:


  • Depression, chronic sadness, anxiety & mood instability.

  • Troubled relationships & family strife.

  • Women's, men's & gender issues.

  • Trauma from childhood or now.

  • Chronic & acute health problems & disability.

  • Stress from work, school, or life changes.

  • Alcohol & drug abuse.

  • Mental illness.

  • Disability.

Let's get to work. 

Call 419-537-0900. Dr. Robie is accepting new patients for therapy and psychological assessment. When you call the first time you will likely talk with Jessica. She will ask what you are looking for with therapy to make sure it will be a good fit. Appointments can often occur within a matter of days if your schedule is flexible. 


Dr. Robie is participating with most insurances and Employee Assistance Programs. Please see our Finances page for more information.


If you are uneasy about starting, please check out Is it Time or give a call and we can talk about it.


Now scheduling

You made an appointment, now what?

People experience a first visit with a psychologist in different ways. Some express relief and feel hopeful that things will be getting better. Others approach it with a little (or a lot) of trepidation. For all comers, it is a chance to gain understanding and make a difference in what is holding you back and keeping you down. It is a significant investment in personal energy, time, and resources. Here are some ideas to make the best of it.


Be brave. If you can't tell the whole story, let go of as much as you can so your therapist can understand the complete problem.


Be consistent. Keep all appointments. Therapy works best if it is regular. 


Own it. Don't save the important stuff for the end of a session. Speak up if there's something you need to cover at an appointment.


Be mindful and intentional. Make notes to help you keep track of what you want to be sure to talk about, what was especially meaningful in session, and what you thought about between sessions.


Value it. Appreciate the step you've taken. It's an important thing you are doing. Give yourself credit for that and let's get started –– we've got work to do.


Call 419-537-0900, ext 101; answered 24/7, voicemail is confidential; emergency contact info on voicemail. Fax: 419-537-1300


Click to e-mail Dr. Robie

Use e-mail for general info only. Do NOT assume that e-mail is confidential. It may not be checked every day and should not be used for personal & confidential information, emergencies or time sensitive requests


Click here for information about Ivy Pay

We use Ivy Pay for credit, debit, and HSA transactions.


Click here for Release of Information form 

Complete this form to allow Dr. Robie to communicate with others who provide care or services to you or who did so previously. DO NOT return it by e-mail. You may fax it securely to 419-537-1300, return it by US mail, or bring it to the office. 


Online Sessions

To participate in telepsychology with Dr. Robie you should be physically located in Ohio or Michigan at the time of the session.


The platform:


Forms of interest: Consents for Tx & Telepsych (we can email you a copy for digital signature from DocHub)


User info sheets: info, Telepsych Step-by-Step



Get in Touch

NorthWest Ohio
Psychological Services


Brithany Pawloski, Psy.D.

Karen Robie, Ph.D.


4930 N Holland Sylvania Road

Suite B

Sylvania, Ohio 43560


419-537-0900 (Phone, 24/7)

419-537-1300 (Fax)


Our voicemail is confidential.

First Reach

Are you ready to getting started? Do you have a quick question to help you decide? Click First Reach to get that going.

Intake Paperwork

Paperwork will open in a pdf. Print it, fill it out, & bring it to your first appointment. Do not email it back.

Allow 15 minutes before your first appointment if you need to fill out paperwork at the office.

Find Us
Convenient location

Please ring when you arrive.

Use the back entrance if you arrive for a scheduled appointment and the building front door is locked.

Social Media

Please join us on social media after you mind your privacy settings. Ethical requirements prohibit us from "liking you" back or following you.

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